This Article helps you understand web, webserver
What Is WEB? ๐ป
Web is a common name used for (World Wide Web) which consists of several pages that can be accessed by Web Browser. WEB BROWSERS are the application software that are used for accessing these web pages. Collection of these webpages are called WEBSITES.
What is Web Server? ๐ธ
A Web Server can be referred to as a combination of both software and hardware. The hardware part includes storing of webserver software and the components of webpage like HTML, CSS, Image files etc.. .The Software part controls how the users can access the webpages. Most likely it is an HTTP Server (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
HTTP Server
HTTP Server is a software that can understand the website URL's and HTTP. HTTP works on response request model. Whenever a client sends a request to the server HTTP Server accepts that request , searches for the requested file on the server and once found responds back to the client via HTTP only.
Apache Web Server
Apache Server is a free open-source web server which helps in delivering web content via Web. It communicates between client and server via HTTP protocol.When we host our website through the default path would be "/var/html/www". The hosting servers have apache server installed in them which inturn by default picks the index.html/jsp file when we start the web application.
Other Popular Web Servers
- Nginx
- Apache Tomcat
- Node.js
That's the end of the article , see you in the next one.โ